What is KeryFlex Nail Restoration?
· KeryFlex is a safe treatment that is exclusive to Podiatrists only. It restores the appearance of unsightly toenails using a composite patented resin gel.
· KeryFlex utilizes polymer resins that bond to the damaged toenail to form an artificial nail that is durable, flexible, and natural in appearance. The painless procedure typically takes about 15 minutes to perform and can be done in the comfort of the office.
· It's safe for human skin, won't irritate or damage nails or skin, and allows natural toenail growth. Being non-porous, it prevents moisture from getting between the natural and prosthetic nails, reducing the risk of worsening fungal infections.

A Professional Nail Restoration System
KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a painless, in-office application that restores the appearance of an individual’s natural nails.
This system allows for a certified provider to remodel an individual’s damaged nails affected by fungus, defects and trauma. The composite resin creates a flexible, but durable, non-porous nail that allows the remaining natural nail to grow.
The KeryFlex nail is an immediate cosmetic improvement providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents.
The KeryFlex Nail Restoration System Consists of Three Components
KeryFlex Bonding Agent optimises the adhesion of the KeryFlex Resin to the natural nail.
KeryFlex Resin is a lightweight, medical-grade gel used to build up the nail and allows for sculpting and contouring
KeryFlex Sealant is a UV curing top coat to seal the KeryFlex nail making it non-porous and non-permeable.
How Does It Work?
The KeryFlex Nail Restoration System starts by removing the damaged nail and preparing the nail bed. A bonding agent is applied, followed by KeryFlex resin, which is shaped to look like a natural nail. After shaping, a sealant is applied to make the nail non-porous and non-permeable. Finally, ultraviolet light hardens the KeryFlex nail, restoring its natural appearance.

Who Can Benefit from KeryFlex Nail Restoration?
KeryFlex application is a cosmetic procedure and not intended to cure a disease. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate impairment caused by:
Nail fungus
Nail shape changes due to injury
Spoon shaped nails
Brittle and splitting nails
Horizontal ridges
Discolored nails
KeryFlex is not for everyone. KeryFlex Nail Restoration should not be used on individuals with peripheral vascular disease, arterial insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, nursing or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients. Ask your foot care provider if the KeryFlex Nail Restoration is right for you.