What can I expect at my first appointment?

At Foot Wellbeing, we aim to have a thorough understanding of your concerns and podiatry goals. During your initial appointment, we will conduct a comprehensive podiatry assessment to have a complete picture of your condition. From there, we will develop a treatment plan specifically for your problem.

Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral to see a Podiatrist.

A referral is only necessary if:

  • Your doctor has recommended treatment as part of an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Plan, which can allow up to 5 allied health visits. You will need to contact your GP to have an EPC plan BEFORE you make an appointment.

  • You are a returned service veteran seeking treatment under a GOLD or WHITE card.

  • You are seeking treatment under a work cover or TAC claim.

Do you offer home visits?

Yes, we offer home visits and we can also attend nursing homes or residential facilities. Please call our clinic for additional information and pricing for a home visit.

Do you accept private health funds?

We accept all private health funds. With our HICAPS terminal, you will be able to claim on the spot!

Are the instruments sterilised?

Absolutely yes! All instruments at Foot Wellbeing are cleaned, packaged, and sterilised in an autoclave for each and every patient in accordance with infection and control guidelines.

Do you treat children?

Yes, we treat children of any age at our clinic!

What should I bring to my appointment?

Bring footwear that you frequently wear (work shoes, runners, casual shoes). We will assess them and offer recommendations if necessary.
Also bring along diagnostic films (X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs) and the results you’ve had in the past that may help us better understand and address your specific concerns.

Should I remove my nail polish before my appointment?

If your concern involves a nail issue or you're seeking general treatment such as nail trimming, filing, and the removal of corns and calluses, please ensure that you remove any nail polish before your appointment.

Put your best foot forward.

Making a booking with one of our professional podiatrists, who deal solely with the feet and lower limbs, is a great first step to long term foot health.